Critical Illness
The incidence of early death due to a critical illness has been significantly reduced because of innovations in medical care and technology. However, the incidence of a critical illness causing a prolonged lapse in earning ability has significantly increased.
A critical illness or condition—such as heart attack, cancer or stroke—can turn your life upside down. We can help with insurance products and planning to ensure you have the resource for additional personal, family or business expenses.
Critical Illness Can Happen Without Warning
It is human nature to assume that as long as you feel healthy at the moment, you will always stay healthy. However, you never know what could happen in the future. For example, it is estimated there are over 70,000 heart attacks and between 40,000 and 50,000 strokes in Canada each year. An estimated 3,075 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer every week.
Critical Illness Insurance Help you Focus on Recovery
One of the largest obstacles to a successful recovery from a serious illness is the emotional and financial stress experiences when trying to pay the bills, resume a career, or run a business. This stress can be significantly reduced by access to funds during a period of illness or recovery. These funds are available in the form of Critical Illness insurance. Critical illness insurance is a form of protection that can provide you with a lump sum payment if you suffer from a covered critical illness and the survival period is satisfied. The lump-sum is cash tax-free in the event one suffers a critical illness.
For comprehensive, flexible Critical Illness insurance to protect you and your family, contact us today.